Contact Details
Allum Book-Keeping Services
33 Kestrel View
Telephone Number
0800 611 8172
2nd Telephone Number
01305 701 234
Email Address
Payroll Bureau Service Dorchester
Let me relieve you of the time consuming process of administering payroll, allowing you to get on with what you do best - running your business.
Allum Book-keeping Services can run you payroll bureau service Dorchester on your behalf. This will include the preparation of pay slips for your employees, informing you of all amounts due to HMRC, operating payroll deductions. At the end of the tax year I will prepare the appropriate year end return on your behalf.
I will prepare your payroll either weekly, bi-weekly, four weekly or monthly depending on your requirements.
After each pay run I will provide you with payroll reports for you records and for inclusion within your bookkeeping records. At the end of you businesses financial year I will provide you with a summary to assist your accountant in preparing your year end accounts.
Allum Book-keeping Services comprehensive payroll bureau service Dorchester will alleviate you of this responsibility and ensure your business complies with the relevant legislation. Businesses are now required to submit their PAYE returns to HMRC on line; I can do this for you.
Allum Book-keeping Services provide a professional payroll bureau service Dorchester, Weymouth, Portland, Bridport, Yeovil, Poole, Bournemouth, Blandford Forum, Dorset and the surrounding areas. Prices start from as little as £10 for upto 5 employees to process your payroll and £0.50 for each employee for yearend per peroid.